Logos that say Canon Managed IT Partner and Supra ITS Securing the Essentials

In this four-part video series, Justin Folkerts – Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer at Supra ITS, a full-service provider of managed IT services – offers insights and practical advice on how to strengthen your law firm's security. 


Episode 1: Protecting Your Firm from Phishing and Third-Party Attacks

The legal community is susceptible to a unique set of cyber threats. Typical defence measures are not always a solution. Learn how to identify suspicious activity to protect your firm from external threats.


Episode 2: Why Cloud Backup Is Essential for Your Firm

As a legal professional, you have enormous amounts of confidential and time-sensitive information that you need to access at a moment’s notice. These seven best practices can help your firm decide if moving to a cloud backup is right for you.


Episode 3: Ensuring Your Firm's Network Is Secure in a Hybrid Setting

Ransomware doesn't just target law firms, but the legal vertical is uniquely susceptible to the type of harm that ransomware can cause. Learn about eight practical tips that will help keep you secure, whether you’re at the office, with a client or at the courthouse.


Episode 4: Advantages of Managed IT Services for Your Firm

Outsourcing your information technology to a team of experts allows your firm to focus on your clients and cases. Learn more about how managed IT services could benefit your firm.

Sign up to watch the 4-part video series

Logos that say Canon Managed IT Partner and Supra ITS Securing the Essentials

In this four-part video series, Justin Folkerts – Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer at Supra ITS, a full-service provider of managed IT services – offers insights and practical advice on how to strengthen your law firm's security. 


Episode 1: Protecting Your Firm from Phishing and Third-Party Attacks

The legal community is susceptible to a unique set of cyber threats. Typical defence measures are not always a solution. Learn how to identify suspicious activity to protect your firm from external threats.


Episode 2: Why Cloud Backup Is Essential for Your Firm

As a legal professional, you have enormous amounts of confidential and time-sensitive information that you need to access at a moment’s notice. These seven best practices can help your firm decide if moving to a cloud backup is right for you.


Episode 3: Ensuring Your Firm's Network Is Secure in a Hybrid Setting

Ransomware doesn't just target law firms, but the legal vertical is uniquely susceptible to the type of harm that ransomware can cause. Learn about eight practical tips that will help keep you secure, whether you’re at the office, with a client or at the courthouse.


Episode 4: Advantages of Managed IT Services for Your Firm

Outsourcing your information technology to a team of experts allows your firm to focus on your clients and cases. Learn more about how managed IT services could benefit your firm.

Sign up to watch the 4-part video series