
1. Identify which version of uniFLOW Software you are using, in order to use the appropriate Hotfix files.

2. Follow the steps below when logged in to the uniFLOW Server


a. Backup original behaviours on uniFLOW Server





UNIFIEDLOGIN.isa (not available in uniFLOW V5.3 SRx)

WE_SET_WORKFLOW_USER.isa (not available in uniFLOW V5.3 SRx)


b. Implement new behaviours on uniFLOW Server







UNIFIEDLOGIN.isa (not available in uniFLOW V5.3 SRx)


WE_SET_WORKFLOW_USER.isa (not available in uniFLOW V5.3 SRx)


Note: The “install” folder acts like a hot folder. The files will disappear after a few seconds and are installed automatically.

Copying the above files needs to be done on the uniFLOW server only. The behaviours will be synchronised to the connected RPS (if available) automatically*. The main uniFLOW server will automatically be synchronised with all connected RPSs on the next synchronisation interval. No restart of uniFLOW/RPS services required.


*If the internal Resource Management has been disabled the (Universal) Login Manager files have to be copied to the connected RPS manually. In this case copy the Icarus Script Assemblies to:


“..\uniFLOW Remote Print Server\Web\Icarus\Packages\install\” on all connected Remote Print Servers.


If the Logging Level has been set to Flow you will find a respective message within the log e.g.


“The Script Assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\uniFLOW\WebClient\Icarus\packages\install\USERNAMEPWDTYPELOGIN.isa has been successfully installed.”


Note: Keep in mind to reset the Logging Level to Error (Default) after successful implementation.



c. Save new behaviours


Save the (Universal) Login Manager behaviour configuration in order to initiate a reload of the behaviour on connected devices.


uniFLOW Security Advisory: Hotfix Instructions

Save the ICARUS Server for Web behaviour configuration in order to initiate a reload of the behaviour on connected devices.



uniFLOW Security Advisory: Hotfix Instructions

If you have any questions, please contact your Canon Support Representative or authorised uniFLOW Reseller Partner.