
Automated Meter Read

Terms and Conditions: DATA COLLECTION SOFTWARE ADDENDUM TO SERVICE AGREEMENTS: Where printers or multifunctional devices, which are being serviced by Canon Canada Inc. (“Canon”), are accessible through a network, you, the Customer, covenant and agree to install data collection software (the “Software”) on your network. The Software will be provided by Canon and will transmit only usage and service data accumulated by the printers and multifunctional devices at your location(s) (the “Equipment”) by means of an HTTPS protocol. You hereby request and authorize Canon to use such Software on the Equipment which is subject to a maintenance agreement, master service agreement or other service agreement currently in effect between you and Canon (the “Agreement”). You authorize the transmittal to Canon of use and service data accumulated by the Equipment over your network by means of an HTTPS protocol. You hereby further authorize Canon to store and analyze such data for any purposes relating in any way to the Agreement (including without limitation, automatic meter collection). BY ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS ABOVE, YOU REQUEST THE INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE ON YOUR NETWORK AND TO CONTINUE SERVICE THEREON IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE THAT THE SOFTWARE IS INSTALLED ON YOUR NETWORK. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, THE AGREEMENT SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT.