
Find Documents without Filing

Everyone has heard the advice about keeping a clear desk. But whenever a project gets busy, paper starts piling up. Why do we still keep so many paper documents? Is it because we’re not sure that we’ll be able to find a document again once it’s been filed? Here’s how to feel more comfortable about retrieving documents without keeping the clutter.

Forget the folders

There is no one perfect way to organize folders to file documents. Different people working on different projects will need to access files according to various criteria. Filing systems are based on physical cabinets, with a folder-in-a-folder hierarchy. If you wanted to file something by year and by client, you would have to file two copies. That problem persists with electronic folder filing, and is compounded by how easy it is to make unlimited copies and versions.

A better solution that takes advantage of the capabilities of digital file storage is indexed document management. Consider a document that belongs to a client, a project, a year and three products. By labelling the document with each of those identifying tags, you can retrieve it based on whatever criteria you need. One copy is stored centrally with all the identifiers necessary to find it.

Benefit from many digital advantages

Indexed document management can also improve collaboration and efficiency by implementing version control. If you want to work on a document, you check it out of the system, which alerts others that the document is being changed. As well, the history of a document’s changes can be tracked to see who did what, when.

Documents that are centrally stored and indexed are not only easier to find and manage, but they’re also easier to back up, store, archive and secure. Permission levels can determine who has access to read, edit and delete different documents, and an audit trail can show who accessed each document, when.

Scan everything

Switching from a folder file system to a centralized indexed system doesn’t have to be intimidating, and it isn’t only for large corporations. Document management systems have evolved to suit small, medium and large operations, as well as the specific needs of multiple departments. Scanners make it easy to convert paper to digital files, and document management software streamlines the indexing and tagging process. Even if someone prints out a document and marks it up with a pen you can scan it back in and re-tag it right away so it stays with the original file. Once people see how easy it is to find files in a central system, they’ll quickly convert to scanning instead of piling.

Improve efficiency

With everything indexed in a document management system, repetitive steps can easily be automated for improved workflow efficiency. For example, instead of manually sending an email circulating a revised document, members of the workgroup for the document can be notified automatically. With everyone having immediate access to the latest files, collaboration is also easier. Automating manual tasks and eliminating version errors frees up people to spend their time on more productive activities.