
5 Ways to Go Green When Printing with Canon

You’re concerned about global warming, and you want to help protect endangered species, stop pollution and conserve natural resources. But you’re also running a business or managing a department that communicates using printed documents. Is there a way to be environmentally friendly without sacrificing efficiency? Streamlining your day-to-day document handling not only helps the environment but also improves workflow and productivity, and reduces costs.

Canon makes it easy for you to achieve the results you want by building environmental awareness into its high-performing products and solutions. To minimize the environmental impact of your document use, follow this five-step action plan.

1. Use multifunction devices with reduced power consumption technology such as efficient fusing technology and reduced standby energy consumption. Canon develops each new product design to be more energy efficient than the model before. Canon’s latest Color imageRUNNER ADVANCE models reduce power consumption by 80% compared with previous models.

2. Prevent printing waste. Switch to double-sided printing as a default, and monitor the volume of printing by setting individual or departmental quotas. Automating these environmentally friendly initiatives saves time and controls costs. Canon’s advanced tools help you track and influence user behaviour, and send jobs to the most cost-effective device.

3. Generate “green reports” to track printing practices. Produced as part of the larger Printing Intelligence report that comes standard with all uniFLOW 2018 LTS installations, a Green Report shows not only current printing usage but also potential usage if employees exercised more environmentally friendly behaviours, such as printing double-sided instead of single-sided. The software creates reports that track and compare habits of office locations, departments, even individual employees.

4. Create shareable electronic copies to increase efficiency and improve paper-to-electronic workflow. Encourage users to convert hard copies to electronic documents, and to combine different source files into one shareable document. Canon’s collaboration features allow documents to be scanned into popular formats and sent directly to destinations such as email addresses and network folders.

5. Take advantage of toner and inkjet recycling programs. Canon’s worldwide toner recycling program includes five recycling centres around the globe. Toner cartridges may be sent back to Canon, and inkjet cartridges may be dropped off at multiple locations across the country.

Why is Canon so concerned about the environment? The company’s corporate philosophy is Kyosei: living and working together harmoniously into the future. Kyosei is incorporated into Canon’s internal standards and drives decisions and actions at all levels of the organization. Canon’s commitment to contributing to a sustainable, global society extends to everywhere its operations and products reach around the world. Canon was one of the first companies to comply with the European Union’s RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive. As well, Canon incorporates recycled plastic from retired products into select components and requires suppliers meet its stringent green procurement policy.

In Canada, Canon participates in many environmental initiatives, including the ENERGY STAR® High Efficiency Program, and partners with environmental organizations across the country through corporate programs like Canon Canada Branch Out to support local activities such as tree planting. And Canon Americas’ Clean Earth Campaign is recognized as a premier corporate environmental management program in North America.