
The holidays are a wonderful time to give back to people in our communities.


Over the past few weeks, Canon Canada employees from offices across the country have embraced the spirit of giving to contribute to many different causes this season.


Our Richmond office employees participated in Vancouver International Airport’s 9th annual holiday hamper drive. Each hamper contains all the essentials for a holiday meal, and for every hamper filled, the airport donates a turkey and Quest Food Exchange provides seasonal vegetables. Richmond employees collected over 40 hampers in total with help from other offices in the building, helping to give a full holiday meal to families in need across the Lower Mainland.


At our Brampton Headquarters, employees generously donated to our annual holiday food and toy drive. This year, the toys were donated to the Child Life Program at Brampton Civic Hospital, and the food items were donated to Knight’s Table, a local member of Food Banks Canada.


In Quebec, our Saint-Laurent office was able to fulfill the wish lists of 50 children with their 5th annual toy drive, bake sale and individual sponsorships, benefitting Batshaw Youth Services. To date, Canon staff have had the privilege of making the holidays merrier for 230 children. Our downtown Montreal office employees donated food and other items to the Sun Youth Organization for underprivileged Montreal families, while Quebec City employees collected $2,400 in employee donations for Centraide Québec’s 2019 fundraising campaign.


The approximately 70 employees who work in our Mississauga office outdid themselves once again and collected an incredible 1,000 pounds of food as well as a box of toys for the Mississauga Food Bank. Employees in our Ottawa office are looking forward to their annual movie night event to support the Ottawa Food Bank. Toronto employees participated in an annual toy drive, while our Hamilton office collected non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products for Hamilton Food Share, and Calgary employees donated 153 pounds of food to the Calgary Food Bank.


Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s food and toy drive initiatives.


Happy holidays and happy New Year!