Improving resource efficiency and reducing our environmental impact to ensure a sustainable environment for future generations is important at Canon Canada and reflective of our corporate philosophy of Kyosei and the Canon Americas Environmental Charter.


To support this, last month Canon Canada’s General and Environmental Affairs team held Recycling Events at our Calgary, Mississauga and Brampton offices. From September 19-20, employees were invited to bring in their unwanted consumer electronics, so that they could be responsibly recycled. This year at our Brampton and Mississauga offices, the initiative extended to include the recycling of textiles, such as clothing, shoes and linen.


More than 130 employees across the three offices donated their unwanted items during this year's Recycling Events. Through our combined efforts, we diverted 1,016 kilograms of consumer electronics and 247 kilograms of textiles from landfills.


For more information on how to recycle waste electronics, please visit

What happens to your e-waste when recycled?

Electronics are sorted, disassembled and shredded. Valuable materials are extracted (gold, copper, aluminum). The materials are sold globally as a commodity.