Product Sponsorship Request or Inquiry
If you are looking for a product sponsorship from Canon Canada, please fill out the form below.
Organization Information
Organization Applying for Sponsorship
Is your organization a not-for-profit, corporation, government, public or other? Please specify.
Please specify whether your organization is local, provincial, national or international.
Organization Web Address
Please provide the background information on your organization.
Contact Information
Primary Contact Name
Street Address
City, Province
Email Address
Phone Number
What kind of product sponsorship are you looking for (monetary, product, both)?
Are you looking for a product request (contribution) or a product loan (temporary)?
Is your sponsorship request related to an event/trade show?
If yes, is it a new or established program?
If this is an existing project, has Canon been involved in the past?
Please provide the details about the product sponsorship and the benefit to Canon Canada.
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